Get the Frack Out

“Get the Frack Out”:Environmental and Economic Implications of Hydraulic Fracturing in Bradford County, PA by Roy SamuelSite Description: The Marcellus Shale is a region that extends as far north as upstate New York, through Pennsylvania to West Virginia, and as far...

Capped and Filled

Capped and Filled:How one New Jersey town closed the last Landfill in the Meadowlands by Angel HarewoodSite Description: Keegan Landfill is in Kearny, New Jersey, and owned and operated by New Jersey Sports and Exhibition Authority. This is one of the last remaining...

Pollution Solution

Are Parks Along Newtown Creek a Pollution Solution, or Another Problem? by Jozy BentleySite Description: Newtown Creek is a 3.5-mile body of water that runs along the border between Brooklyn and Queens in New York City. For over 150 years this creek has been labeled...

Oil Pipelines

Oil Pipelines: The Disregard Of The Native American Voice by Stephen DalihaSite Description: The Keystone Pipeline is something I was exposed to through television/cable news, as well as the massive coverage it received through social media. My vision for this paper...

Agent Orange Production

Agent Orange: Environmental Injustice at Home and Abroad by Susan CohenSite Description: As a historian interested in American foreign affairs and legal history, researching the use of Agent Orange is an interesting and relevant way to connect foreign policy and law....

The X-Files

Newark Becomes ‘Host’ to X-Files Conspiracy: The Search for Truth and Justice in the Nation’s Second Largest Sewer by Christina NguyenSite Description: The X-Files is one of the most recognizable and culturally significant television series to come out of the 1990s,...

Toxic Waste to Dog Park

From Toxic Waste Site to Dog Park: A Peculiar Transformation in Suburban New Jersey by Ismail Hozien Site Description: I hope to find through my research, the factors that caused the radioactive dump in my hometown, Wayne, New Jersey, to become a dog park.  I hope to...

Operation Rolling Blunder

Operation Rolling Blunder:Agent Orange’s Newark Legacy and the Fight to Clean Up the Ironbound by Ryan GiustSite Description: The Diamond Alkali plant, later known as Diamond Shamrock after its merger with Shamrock Oil and Gas, was located at 80-120 Lister Ave in the...