From Pride to Prejudice: How Egyptian Politics Sculpted the World’s Largest “Garbage City”, 1940-1970s by Arthanious ShafikSite Description:Mansheyet Nasser is a district of Cairo, Egypt. Cairo is one of the largest metropolises in the middle east. Known as the...
Is it Still a Wonderful Life? An analysis of Seneca Meadows Landfill Effect on Seneca County following the closure of Fresh Kills Landfill in 2001
Is It Still a Wonderful Life?: The Impacts of Seneca Meadows Landfill on the Communities of Waterloo and Seneca Falls After Fresh Kills Closure in 2001 by Michael SchoberSite Description: Project Description: Fresh Kills Landfill was opened in 1948 with the purpose of...

South Jersey Clothing Company Water Pollution in Minotola, N.J.
Water Pollution in Minotola, NJ that effected the residential citizens and businesses nearby in the 1980s by Iona SmithSite Description:Minotola, NJ is a small city located in Atlantic County. The racial population consists of 82% White, 10.3% African American,...
Proposed Sewer Plant
Proposed Sewer Plant near Musconetcong River could have negative environmental impacts and locals are demanding alternatives. by J. HaugSite Description: The sewer plant is only part of a proposed housing development project on Valley Road in Hampton Borough, NJ. The...
Burning Passions and Burning Waste
Burning Passions and Burning Waste: How Economics Took Precedence Over the Local Community during the Redevelopment of the PJP Landfill in Jersey City, New Jersey From 1970 to 2021 by Matthew TrochimSite Description: The PJP landfill is located in Jersey City, NJ near...

You Gotta Fight
You Gotta Fight, For Your Right, For Clean Water:How the Contaminated Passaic River in Newark, New Jersey Has Caused Wildlife and Low-Income Minorities to Fight for Clean Water and a Healthy Lifestyle by Jacob RappaportSite Description: My project is focusing on the...
Clean Our Water
“Clean Our Water, Wash Out Wilda”: Contaminated Tap Water, 2019 Perth Amboy Grassroots Activism, and the Lack of Governmental Response” by Victoria NguyenSite Description: My site is the city of Perth Amboy, New Jersey. It is rather general because it is not clear...
Brumadinho Dam Disaster
The Brumadinho Dam Disaster:Rape and Pillaging of the Rainforest and Gross Negligence Against Latinos by a Multinational Corporation by Johnny Alexander Tablada-RodríguezSite Description: On 25 January 2019, a dam holding 9.7 million cubic meters of mining sludge...
Prolonged Suffocation
The Prolonged Suffocation of the Bronx: A look at the absence of any bright and clear future for clean air for the residents of Mott Haven by Michael LukijaniukSite Description: I am looking to analyze and discuss the negative health effects on the residents of Mott...
Frog in Boiling Water
A Frog in Boiling Water is Being Taken Advantage of by a Bogus ‘Recycling’ Facility in Carteret, New Jersey by Rabiya KhanSite Description: The delta of the Rahway River is bordered with factories and industrial complexes. It acts as a natural border for northeast New...