Long Lives Memphis

Long Lives Memphis But Not the Residents: Battle for Environmental Justice by Kimberly PadillaSite Description: It all started when Echol Cole and Robert Walker, were crushed to death by a faulty truck in Memphis, Tennessee on February 11, 1968. From that day on, the...

Apache Firefighters

Fire as Colonization: How Conflicts over Fire Management Reveal Ongoing Colonization of Southwest Native People from 1984-1996 by Esperanza SantosSite Description:   Fire management is an environmental justice issue for Native communities. Historically, fire...

Operation Rolling Blunder

Operation Rolling Blunder:Agent Orange’s Newark Legacy and the Fight to Clean Up the Ironbound by Ryan GiustSite Description: The Diamond Alkali plant, later known as Diamond Shamrock after its merger with Shamrock Oil and Gas, was located at 80-120 Lister Ave in the...