Luis Ramirez Project Title

Camden Incinerator by Luis RamirezSite Description:This page is dedicated on researching the regulation process of the Camden Incinerator owned by Covanta. What I intend to focus on is the reasoning behind certain regulations put on incinerators in New Jersey; And...

Proposed Sewer Plant

Proposed Sewer Plant near Musconetcong River could have negative environmental impacts and locals are demanding alternatives. by J. HaugSite Description: The sewer plant is only part of a proposed housing development project on Valley Road in Hampton Borough, NJ. The...

Burning Passions and Burning Waste

Burning Passions and Burning Waste: How Economics Took Precedence Over the Local Community during the Redevelopment of the PJP Landfill in Jersey City, New Jersey From 1970 to 2021 by Matthew TrochimSite Description: The PJP landfill is located in Jersey City, NJ near...

You Gotta Fight

You Gotta Fight

You Gotta Fight, For Your Right, For Clean Water:How the Contaminated Passaic River in Newark, New Jersey Has Caused Wildlife and Low-Income Minorities to Fight for Clean Water and a Healthy Lifestyle by Jacob RappaportSite Description: My project is focusing on the...

Clean Our Water

“Clean Our Water, Wash Out Wilda”: Contaminated Tap Water, 2019 Perth Amboy Grassroots Activism, and the Lack of Governmental Response”  by Victoria NguyenSite Description: My site is the city of Perth Amboy, New Jersey. It is rather general because it is not clear...

Brumadinho Dam Disaster

The Brumadinho Dam Disaster:Rape and Pillaging of the Rainforest and Gross Negligence Against Latinos by a Multinational Corporation by Johnny Alexander Tablada-RodríguezSite Description: On 25 January 2019, a dam holding 9.7 million cubic meters of mining sludge...

Prolonged Suffocation

The Prolonged Suffocation of the Bronx: A look at the absence of any bright and clear future for clean air for the residents of Mott Haven by Michael LukijaniukSite Description: I am looking to analyze and discuss the negative health effects on the residents of  Mott...