Andres Velez Project Title

Power Over People: The Cost of Nuclear Testing in Carlsbad, New Mexico by Andres VelezSite Description:The topic I intend to focus on is nuclear testing in New Mexico. In terms of specifics, I’ve settled on a city called Carlsbad, predominanlty thanks to its proximity...

Agent Orange in Newark, New Jersey

Agent Orange Caselaw: How Lawsuits by Vietnam Veterans, Vietnamese Citizens, and Newark Residents Transformed Toxic Tort Litigation (1960-2008) by AB StudentSite Description:Diamond Alkali  produced more than 700,000 gallons of Agent Orange at 80 -120 Lister Avenue in...

Sargassum on Vacation

Sargassum on Vacation: Algal Blooms as an Impetus for Social and Environmental Change on the Mexican Caribbean by Ronnie VesnaverSite Description: This project will focus on the Mexican Caribbean. Specifically, it will highlight the beach towns on the island of...

Farms to Cradle

Farms to Cradle: Inequity in Preserving the Garden State’s Green Belt by Donovan KirklandSite Description: This project examines the inequities of farmland preservation and New Jersey. As defined by the state, “New Jersey’s farmlands are the foundation for a strong...

Highway to Disaster

Highway to Disaster: How the Creation of the New Jersey Turnpike Caused Destruction and Lasting Impacts on the Residents of Elizabeth, NJ by Hayat Abdelal Site Description:  The New Jersey Turnpike was officially opened for travel on November 30, 1951. The...