Ethan Jardim Project Title

Lusophone Ironbound and the Fight to Save Riverbank Park by Ethan JardimSite Description:In 1995, the Newark city government proposed a plan to construct a baseball stadium on Riverbank Park, located on Market and Van Buren Streets. The ballpark was intended to be for...

Andres Velez Project Title

Cost of the Greater Good: The Environmental Stalemate at New Mexico’s Waste Isolation Pilot Plant by Andres VelezSite Description:My location is the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) situated near Carlsbad, New Mexico. The relevant parties to my topic are the Federal...

Sam Horne Project Title

Fixing Food Deserts by Samantha Horne Site Description:Food deserts, areas without reasonable access to fresh produce and other healthy staples, span the entire United States, negatively impacting the food security and health of tens of millions of impoverished...