Lusophone Ironbound and the Fight to Save Riverbank Park by Ethan JardimSite Description:In 1995, the Newark city government proposed a plan to construct a baseball stadium on Riverbank Park, located on Market and Van Buren Streets. The ballpark was intended to be for...
Andres Velez Project Title
Cost of the Greater Good: The Environmental Stalemate at New Mexico’s Waste Isolation Pilot Plant by Andres VelezSite Description:My location is the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) situated near Carlsbad, New Mexico. The relevant parties to my topic are the Federal...
Sam Horne Project Title
Fixing Food Deserts by Samantha Horne Site Description:Food deserts, areas without reasonable access to fresh produce and other healthy staples, span the entire United States, negatively impacting the food security and health of tens of millions of impoverished...
Ameera Abouali Project Title
From Crisis to Action: Arab American Involvement in Flint’s Water Crisis by Ameera Abouali Site Description:The Flint Water Crisis, which began in 2014 and continues to affect the community to this day, serves as a significant case study in environmental injustice,...
From Pride to Prejudice: How Egyptian Politics Sculpted the World’s Largest “Garbage City”, 1940-1970s
From Pride to Prejudice: How Egyptian Politics Sculpted the World’s Largest “Garbage City”, 1940-1970s by Arthanious ShafikSite Description:Mansheyet Nasser is a district of Cairo, Egypt. Cairo is one of the largest metropolises in the middle east. Known as the...
A Tale of Two Cities: Stories of Race, Place, and Lead Contamination in Trenton, New Jersey and Levittown, Pennsylvania, 1950-1960
A Tale of Two Cities: Stories of Race, Place, and Lead Contamination in Trenton, New Jersey and Levittown, Pennsylvania, 1950-1960 by Gabriella ZalotSite Description:“Trenton makes, the world takes.” Although this reference to Trenton’s successful, industrial history...
Is it Still a Wonderful Life? An analysis of Seneca Meadows Landfill Effect on Seneca County following the closure of Fresh Kills Landfill in 2001
Is It Still a Wonderful Life?: The Impacts of Seneca Meadows Landfill on the Communities of Waterloo and Seneca Falls After Fresh Kills Closure in 2001 by Michael SchoberSite Description: Project Description: Fresh Kills Landfill was opened in 1948 with the purpose of...
Shadows of Steel: Environmental Injustice and Marginalized Communities in Pittsburgh, 1945-1980.
Shadows of Steel: Environmental Injustice and Marginalized Communities in Pittsburgh, 1945-1980. by Joey CraskaSite Description:This site will dive into the affects that the Pittsburgh steel mills had on its surrounding communities and the groups of people it affected...
The Ironbound vs Newark International Airport
The Ironbound vs Newark International Airport by Aldo NolascoSite Description:It’s a beautiful spring day in the Ironbound neighborhood of Newark, New Jersey. As I am officiating a soccer game I come to notice planes landing towards Newark International Airport every...
Coal Ash in Uniontown, Alabama
“That smell ... it makes you want to vomit”: Uniontown, Alabama’s Fight Against Pollution (2000 - 2022) Jozy BentleySite Description: Uniontown, Alabama is a small (predominantly, 90.6%) black city that sits in Perry County. The people of this community have been...