Luis Ramirez Project Title

Camden Incinerator by Luis RamirezSite Description:This page is dedicated on researching the regulation process of the Camden Incinerator owned by Covanta. What I intend to focus on is the reasoning behind certain regulations put on incinerators in New Jersey; And...

California’s Black Heroin

Los Angeles Urban Oil Drilling: California’s Black Heroin by J. SedilloSite Description: Oil was discovered in Los Angeles County in the early 1890’s, the ‘Los Angeles Oil Field’ was once the top producing oil field in California. Though Los Angeles county is the...


The RPM Act: How will the act affect us all in Englishtown, NJ (1972-2021) by Jason JimenezSite Description: Recognizing the Protection of Motorsports Act (RPM Act) is an act that allows those who modify their vehicles for the purpose of racing. Currently our street...